
Husband has Alzheimer's and is declining. Now holding his urine is becoming a problem. He went in the waste paper basket one morning. Some suggestions please. We just went to the doctor there was no infection with the bladder. Thank you.

Once he’s at that point, there’s no going back. He’ll do it again somewhere else, many times. Possibilities are in the nightstand drawer, in his shoe, in your shoe, on the table top, in the dishwasher, in the bathtub, on a box on a low shelf, on the baseboards, all over the carpet. The above are true examples observed by me.

Male urine has an odor unlike any other. It’s nigh impossible to get rid of it, though white vinegar or commercial products can help. The decision is yours - can you live with this as long as he lives? With cleaning it up four or more times a day? I’m so sorry, but most people need to be placed when this symptom surfaces. Professionals have ways of dealing with it in a matter-of-fact and kind manner.

I wish you luck in finding the right place for him.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Fawnby
Katybr Dec 3, 2024
You are so right. My husband IS in a nursing home with end stage Frontal Temporal Dementia and goes in his private room on the carpet, hallway, trash can, etc. etc. He has his own bathroom and has no clue what it’s for and walks past it to pee at the doorway in front of others in the hall. I’m so upset, shocked, etc. but they tell me that once this starts (July) it gets worse & worse. Depends have NO bearing on this. He wears them and pulls them down to pee or defacate! He’s not incontinent yet, but, what’s left of his brain is telling him it doesn’t feel good to be soaking wet. Ugh! I could never, ever deal with this in my home - never! It’s unsanitary, unhealthy to touch and constantly be cleaning floors, furniture, etc. They are so patient with him - I tell them they need double the pay and gold medals.
I was told by a male nurse it’s more common than not with men. The problem is the other women patients who do not have dementia and see this. They tell their families and they, in turn, demean the facility “do something” with my husband or else. He can’t help it, doesn’t remember and they try to keep on top of it by constantly bringing him into the bathroom every hour or so. At night he wanders and pees on the floor. It’s a terrible problem. That would be the end of the line for me if he was still at home. It’s time to be placed.
See 2 more replies
I agree with others. It's time to find a memory care. My dad and step mom stayed in their home for way too long. It smelled like urine, no, it reeked of urine, mainly due to my dad. They refused diapers or any other mitigation. Now he is in memory care. You cannot smell even a whiff of urine in his residence. The staff are wonderful and they have all the techniques and equipment they need to keep him dry and UTI-free, and fed and clean. Getting them from home to facilities is a whole other journey I won't go into right now. But it's the best thing for him and us.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to JR2555

Glad that you checked out things for infection. You are on this. I think you must also know that this is a symptom of late middle stage to late stage dementia. This will get worse. It is often also very difficult to keep, especially males, in incontinence wear.

You may be coming to the time when placement must be considered for your sake as much as for his own safety. Sadly. I wish you the very best. I hope someone has some hints for you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I would make sure that he wears his Depends "underwear" all day and night, and you can try putting a bedside commode right next to where he is during the day and night so he doesn't have to travel far to use the bathroom.
You can also talk to his urologist about using a condom catheter as well, or even a supra pubic catheter which is a permanent catheter.
I understand that for some incontinence is the straw that breaks the camels back, and they want to place their loved one in the appropriate facility, but there are solutions like the catheters if you choose to keep your husband at home.
My late husband who had vascular dementia was incontinent for the last 3 years of his life and we ended up having a supra pubic catheter placed which was a Godsend, as we were finally able to sleep through the night and I just had to empty his bag once in the morning and once in the evening.
I was able to keep my husband in our home until his death in 2020, and am grateful to have been able to do that, but certainly understand that everyone is different and you must do what is best for the both of you.
Best wishes in figuring out exactly what that is.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to funkygrandma59

With alzheimers at play, a catheter is not likely an option. I'd put him in an incontinence brief 24/7. If he rips it off, the you'll have to dress him in anti strip wear available on Amazon.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to lealonnie1
funkygrandma59 Dec 3, 2024
Lealonnie, my late husband was well into his vascular dementia diagnosis when he had a supra pubic catheter placed, and it was a lifesaver for me and him as prior to that we were getting up every hour on the hour for him to pee even though he wore Depends, and we both were running on empty from no sleep.
So dementia or not, I do believe that rather it just be a condom catheter for overnight, or the supra pubic one, they both can help significantly.
See 3 more replies
Cheeky, I’m sorry; it’s kind of a landmark moment, isn’t it? So much depends on whether your husband has lost total control, day and night or if you’re dealing only with periods of incontinence.

You will probably have to experiment with products and absorb ability but I agree with Geaton regarding removing all cloth briefs and replacing with disposables. It was hard for my husband to give them up but I was doing so much laundry it was ridiculous.

Bed making may have to change as well. I have started to make up my husband’s bed this way: mattress, waterproof sheet, fitted sheet, second waterproof sheet, second fitted sheet, flat, top sheet, water resistant blanket. That way, if I need to rescue him in the middle of the night I can whip off the uppermost fitted sheet and waterproof sheet and he can go right back to bed. A bedside commode may be a future possibility.
I’m sorry, this part is really hard. I hope this helps a little.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Peasuep

These are heartbreaking times and grief filled. No one wants to experience a spouse doing these things due to losing brain cells.

He needs to be in a facility who can handle his needs 24/7.
This behavior will progress and you are not equipped to handle it as professionals are in a nursing home or facility / locked memory care unit where he will have 24/7 supervision and care.

You should 'only' visit and enjoy what time together you can.

Yes, he is declining and this will continue.
I question if there are reasons why he is still living at home with you - which I presume is the situation.

He needs to be in a nursing home or a facility so he can get the care he needs.

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to TouchMatters

Time to put him in memory care. Or start using diapers. There's special clothing for incontinent people with dementia that they can't take off themselves. A condom catheter combined with the non-removable clothing could be a solution that works for you both.

If you haven't already it would be a good idea to talk to your husband's doctor about ordering an in-home needs assessment done by a nurse. This will help you with information on homecare and how to get ther things your husband wil need now to stay in the home. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

My husband has vascular dementia. He does well with a catheter.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to wantmylife

It sounds less like inability to hold his urine than interpreting inappropriate containers and spaces as triggers to urinate. More and more objects and spaces will trigger this response as time goes on, and the response will increase quickly.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to RedVanAnnie

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