
My mother is convinced we can find someone to live rent free so she can have someone there. She cannot live alone it looks like anymore. Sun City Arizona area.

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Reply to KNance72

These expectations aren’t realistic. If she’s in Sun City, Arizona, there will be fine eldercare facilities nearby. They’re like the graduate school for formerly active seniors who now need help. That’s where she needs to go.

The local council for the blind, which may go under another name, can help with suggestions for sight issues. I hope you find the perfect place for her.
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Reply to Fawnby

I would remind mom that you get what you pay for.

If someone is willing to become, essentially, a slave for a roof over their head, well, I can only imagine why.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Usually once the caretaker lives there for 30 days you would have to legally evict them if you want them out and they don’t want to go.
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Reply to Bulldog54321

No pay? 24/7 must be present? No $ for a car? How will groceries be paid? This means mom is feeding 2 people. No pay at all? No overtime after 40 hours of work? Workmans comp for accident insurance? This is slavery.

For live in care, you need minimum or 5 full time people. Costs for a living wage for 5 people is over 200k. Can mom be reasoned with for the answers? It sounds like she is no longer safe and is dreaming about home care scenarios.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MACinCT

You can click on the "Find Care" at the top of this page, or you can fill out the "Free, No Obligation Care Finder" to the right of this page to help you find the care your mother needs.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

Live-in aids are a tricky situation:

- Once they move in, your home is their legal residence. What happens if you don't like them or how they provide care, or have bad habits, or have people over that you don't like?

- You still have to pay them some cash or they won't be able to live: how will they buy groceries, or pay for their car or gas, etc?

- Many people who hire live-ins have an unspoken expectation of 24/7 on-call care. This is totally unrealistic, immoral and leads to them burning out. Also, what happens if they get sick or want to go on vacation? Work a normal 40-hr week, etc?

- If your Mom is 91, another unspoken expectation is that the live-in does everything for your Mom: cooking, housecleaning, shopping, laundry, yardwork, beside caring for her personally.

- Letting a total stranger live in such closeness can lead to financial and other types of abuse.

- People who decide to care as live-in don't necessarily have experience or know anything about the elderly -- or dementia. Living daily with someone with dementia is hard, and burns even family members out.

- If and when problems arise, you will still need to be managing things for her.

Please do not entertain unreasonabe ideas from your Mom that will have you wasting time chasing after non-solutions. If you are her PoA then read the document and see what it requires to activate the authority. Then decide to either hire agency aids, or transition her to a facility near you. You can achieve this using therapeutic fibs, if necessary. Your Mom hasn't been operating in the "mainstream" world for a while and will keep thinking she's in the 1950s when coming up with ideas for solutions. Caregiving has to happen on the caregiver's terms. She doesn't have to agree with it or like it. or do a browser search for "caregiving agencies near _______".

I wish you success in finding the right care for your Mom.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Geaton777

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