I personally know of folks (You do too!) who should have started taking Alzheimer meds long ago. Yet they walk around with this air of diplomatic immunity about them, everyday doing risky things and getting away with it. There are things that can be noticed on a brain scan (i.e., percent shrinkage of the brain) that could save lives, especially those of innocent victims in auto accidents and house fires resulting from people with these problems.
"It's More Than Coincidence that Most of the Most Over-Diagnosed Medical Conditions Are "Treated" With Drugs that Make Billions for Big Pharma"
**Alzheimer's disease. "Most people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease do not actually have Alzheimer's," says Dr. Teitelbaum. "This was shown in a recent Honolulu study (White et al) of 426 men, looking at autopsy results (the only reliable way to make the diagnosis)."
Dr. Teitelbaum says other conditions can cause cognitive impairment that overlaps symptoms of Alzheimer's: low thyroid, nutritional deficiencies, side effects of medication, low testosterone in men, and pseudodementia, a form of cognitive impairment that can be caused by primary clinical depression."**
So yes, I'm totally opposed to your "mandatory brain scan" law.