My brother suffers from schizophrenia, he is now 70 years old. Many years ago I tried to get long term health insurance for him and as soon as I mentioned he was schizophrenic they said NO. Giving the reason non of the caregivers are qualified to take care of the mentally ill. I found an individual (that is qualified) that is willing to take care of him in the home that my parents purchased for him (Both patents are deceased). I would like to pay her but my brother’s Social security check barely pays his bills. I read the article in this form about Medicaid. Is there anyone out there that has been able to get help paying for a caregiver without going thru Medicaid?
You will come to many. NAMI is one. Call and send messages to find support groups meeting in your area.
Go also to facebook and join the private groups "support for families of mentally ill".
These are folks dealing with what you are and they are your best resources.
The rules for dementia as opposed to for mentally ill are ECCEPTIONALLY different.
The persons with mental illness often have very little governmentally supported care unless they are already under Guardianship or are incapacitated completely, or are already on SSDI and have access a social worker.
The feeling of the government is that mental illness can almost always be addressed with medications in a way that will allow a mentally ill person to live a somewhat normal life without any intervention of the state.
When this is not the case then group homes are sometimes paid for on Medicaid.
But I can tell you that in-home help paid for by the federal government is almost NEVER FOUND. Not for mental illness in my experience.
Whomever is now dealing with this illness for your brother will be your BEST contact and will have best access with social workers or someone else to help you explore these issues.
I sure wish you the best in your search for help. As someone who has someone in the family with mental illness I know that the support is almost nil in a broken system. You are LUCKY indeed if you even have a diagnosis.
Good luck.