
Like many of you, I have noticed over the past few months that new posters are not filling in their bios.
This is inconvenient to those who want to understand the context of the posters question before offering help. Plus the answers aren’t as customized as they might be for the OP if they had only filled in their bio. I think the parts I miss the most are the additional health issues, the agesand the living arrangements. Many do provide a portion of this in their question.
It occured to me that skipping the bio when signing up seemed to happen about the same time the spam issues were addressed. Back when the profile pages went from white to blue. But maybe that’s just when I noticed?
I wondered if the questions asked for new posters were different from when I signed up, years ago. And, to be fair, I didn’t fill in my bio when I first started. I don’t do social media and was a bit skittish. So I didn’t think I should complain since I did the same thing.
Regardless, a few weeks ago, I looked to see and yes, the questions are different and off putting to me. Perhaps not to other forum members. But I had an Aha moment on why so many were blank.
The new questions look very beneficial as a marketing tool for AC, but not so much for someone just wanting to ask a question and not receive more personalized solicitations or be used in marketing campaigns. Especially in these days of AI.
Several of you are reminding the posters to fill in their bios. Look at the questions now being asked so you have a better idea of what you are requesting.
The posters always have the option to skip the parts they don’t want to fill in and put the relevant info in the “about me” area. I personally don’t feel comfortable asking someone to fill in portions of the bio that I know I wouldn’t fill in.
To be clear. It’s the OPs choice of what they fill in. That hasn’t changed. The purpose of this post is for the forum members to be aware.
I wish I knew if the new format has been helpful to AgingCare or if it has just been aggravating to us with no benefit to AgingCare? I was hoping it might be a test run and then would change back. I’m sure they know if it is or isn’t working for them. And I do want them to be successful and thus the forum continues. It helps so many.
It was a reminder to me that we participate willingly. Some of us not nearly as often as before and that this site is AgingCare’s to manage as they please. However, I have to believe we are a great draw to this site and we do work cheap. 🤔😘
Check it out as this is all conjecture on my part. I wondered what other forum members thought.
We do eventually grow accustomed to the changes AC makes.

Bios are good, that way the writer doesn't need to keep rewriting background over and over every time they have a new question.

Plus it helps us know if the person being cared for is 50 years old or 90 years old, thus we can estimate how old the "child" is who is doing the caregiving for the parent. I wouldn't give the same answer to a 70 year old caregiver as I would give a 40 year old caregiver.

Because why do you need to know my bio to be able to answer my question or commiserate with me? What part of my "bio" would change your answer or response to my post that you couldn't ask in the thread, and I could answer, if it was relevant? My "Bio" is my private business that I have every right to keep as private as want to, especially when it's, 9/10 times, irrelevant to needing support, having a question, needing to vent, sharing an experience, etc?


Thanks for your experience with the forum bios. I see you joined the forum in August, which fits right in the time frame I’m curious about.

The bio info I thought new posters might object to included their zip code, the members first name and phone number, which along with the email address is the part we can’t see when we check the bio of an OP.

I thought perhaps when they saw all those personal details they decided to skip the bio all together….which seemed to be your experience until you had settled in.
I was thinking the changes were made back in June or July when scammers were a nuisance and since then it seems as Alva suggested 9 of 10 skip the bio.

So thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum.

When Forever stamps were first issued by USPS in 2007, they were .41 each. Businesses can choose to sell older issue Forever stamps at the price they paid and/or take a loss. All discounted stamps are not "counterfeits".

lealonnie1, any business that purchases stamps needs to pay full price from the USPS. There is no way that business can make a profit by selling stamps at a discounted rate. The only way they can make a profit is selling counterfeit stamps. This is what the postal service has to say

The USPS is updating technology that can spot a fake stamp on an envelope. When that stamp is on an envelope the USPS can destroy the envelope and its contents. Be careful when paying bills using such stamps.

FF, I buy Forever stamps at very discounted rates online and have never had an envelope returned to me. They are Forever stamps the USPS put out years ago, in some cases, that are good forever.

Oh - one other thing I forgot to mention - when I asked my first question on this forum I was still in denial about my husband’s condition and somewhat embarrassed about it (silly, but true). I was worried that filling in my info might make me identifiable to friends or family members who happened upon the site for other reasons and then entered the forum.
I’m over it now!

As a newbie and for what it’s worth, I find the bios helpful in that they can provide a second layer of understanding. I don’t always look at them but sometimes the questions themselves don’t mention who the poster is caring for. That’s important to me because answers or comments may be very different depending on whether the poster is asking about a parent or a spouse.

97, speaking for this newbie, I was a bit uncomfortable with the questions. After getting used to the forum for awhile I went back in a put in more personal information. I’m still feeling my way around but I really, REALLY appreciate all of you wise and helpful people who answer regularly; you are a godsend to me and many, many others.

I am not new here but, in the past year my account has been deleted and recreated, deleted and reinstated. My profile info and photo vanished. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I am going to combine the wisdom of Geaton, whose opinions I always take to heart, and cwillie, and going to stop always asking for or always checking on the bios. Once I never did and it was JoAnn who taught me what I may miss in not looking at the bios or at former questions.
I think we are a crowd here on AC with lots of variety and that's what I love about it. Some of us live in questions mostly, some in discussions for the most part. Some like to argue back and forth about just what should be done by the OP. Some answer once and leave.
Today's questions are wonderful. Full variety and full of detail and participation. Just a mixed bag, this, for those of us who love it and WE KNOW WHO WE ARE, ha ha. I do NEED my daily dose of Forum and a cuppa with cream.

Thanks for the feedback.

No one seemed to share my suspicions that the new questions AC asked of the new members were inhibiting their participation.

“Bots” in the belfry on my part.

Honestly for me , a lot of times it's lack of self easteem. With care giving I got a lot of ignorant people, that told me to just suck it up do what you have to do. I felt like such a low life person, when I came on truly expected people here to tell me what everyone in my life was also telling me, and making me feel. I thought you all would be just like the judgmental poster who is asking if she is crazy. No I am not crazy but people I was around where truly making me crazy.

So I didn't think anyone would care about my profile, or my life didn't matter, because I was so low I didn't believe it did. And to ask for help was really hard.

Im was not suppose to NEED help, I was the person that helped everyone.

So that is why I Willie, I sometimes get overly engaged in some posters because I want to reach out and help people, if I can that remind me of me.

I made a comment about this a few months ago.
When I do read a post and check the bio if it has information I have thanked the OP for the added info.
Sometimes it gets added as a reply to a comment but I and am sure others miss it if it does get mentioned. (some of the replies get buried with other replies)

I honestly can't understand why some of you get so overly engaged in threads where the OP is absent or belligerent. Answer the question as it's posted, ask for clarity if necessary, move on if there are no further posts from the OP or the thread degenerates into a sh!t show. IMO hectoring people to fill out their bio when they haven't because of privacy or other issues is not making the site better 🤷‍♀️

1) Admins/website does not make the case for filling out the bio info.

2) People coming here are IMO exhausted, stressed, depressed and just need an answer. Filling out a bio doesn't seem that important to them, or they just don't have the energy to do it.

3) OPs (IMO) don't return because they are in the middle of their caregiving poop show crisis; or are not tech savvy enough to know how to get back to the website and find their posts.

4) Nothing stays the same forever, including this forum and its participants. We need to accept that change is constant.

Thank you to frequentflyer who usually starts their reply by welcoming newbies and directing them to fill out their bios.

Now let's talk about the punctuation thing... 😭😭😭

Perhaps Bots? & bots using specific words for engagement so that you or I click onto the post.

97yroldmom, yes I have noticed a lot of newbies without bios. I am good at linguistics, so I will keep better watch to see if there is a pattern, but it's usually hard if the OP doesn't return to answer. I want to see if one person is using a lot of screen names.

I am on Facebook and I had an ah-ha moment when it came to "sponsored" advertisements. A new ad would pop up in my feed, well dozens of them all at once which is unusual. Being the curious cat that I am, I snooped around. I checked on the people who gave wonderful reviews for the ad product because the reviews sounded canned. Hmmm, I found the majority of reviews were from inactive Facebook accounts.. Spoofed? Probably. Some of the ads were scams, like the one for "discount postage stamps", those stamps are counterfeit, printed overseas. The Post Office never discounts stamps.

With modern technology we really need to be on our toes. I can't imagine what it will be like 10 years from now.

Alva , I understand what you are saying as far as wondering if people are making this "stuff" up.

Honestly often times, when I answer a post it helps me, maybe more so than it helps them. It confirms to me that I'm doing the right things in my life.

Also, the practice what you preach sort of thing. I'm not going to tell someone to get out of the house and take better care of yourself, if I'm not doing it. So it in the end makes me stronger .

So I don't particularly mind if there not real.

As far as the no punctuation, when you ask a question on a thread, I usually put space between lines. For some reason after, it gets all squished together. Maybe people don't feel like they need punctuation because they separated it all. Just one thought.

The no bio thing, drives me insane!!

9 out of 10 of them give no bio.
9 out of 10 of them make no responses to anything posted.
9 out of 10 of them never reappear again and disappear on down the threads in a day.
Many of them have faces plucked randomly off the internet and claimed as their own.
IF some of these are real I am afraid our country is in more trouble than I thought. As examples:
A sister caring for another who is an alcoholic, saying that her Sis gets up at 7 a.m. and starts drinking and that she herself often joins her in drinks, though not quite that early. Do we think that is perhaps too early to start drinking? What should she do?
Or a 3 years live in care worker who is watching luxury boats and cars and whatnots pulled off the property of her elder as well as all sort of financially fraudulent acts she is aware of. What should she do?
I know. I know. Truth is often stranger than fiction. What do I know?
But it worries me.
There's a newfound difficultly with being able to punctuate or form sentences. Some are a sort of steam of consciousness thing that seems almost machine like (Though I would think the machine would come with periods. We all need shrinks. Including me. We are drowning in urinary incontinence catheters and hospital beds.

And this change seems to me somewhat sudden. Perhaps it's a brain worm and we are all getting it?
I find my belief system challenged (as though it wasn't always).
I feel sometimes a bit "played" for want of a better word. I am perhaps slipping into a paranoia that is age-induced?
I begin to question reality. It's been suggested before I get myself checked. I am beginning to take the suggestion seriously.

It used to be quite rare to go in to find that someone is new to our page. It is now the norm, and you are correct, there is nothing in the profile.

I am not certain what it's all about, but I am considering it. I feel unable to come to a conclusion. I am increasingly more confused. But I do continue DETERMINED to try to take care of it all.

As to that working cheap? Should we try a Union?
Will tell you one thing; I just can't WAIT for tomorrow's mail drop.

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