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Unlikely that your family will open their home to mom, but it's worth a try.
In reality, start looking at AL facilities...if you really intend to travel before its too late.
The facilities will allow mom to be there for a month, (I think). Maybe that wud solve the problem, (& make mom more thankful to return to your home again).
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Sunny, I'm in the same boat as you. I signed myself up for this caregiving thing not realizing how hard it would be. When I was living in my own apartment, I had visions of cleaning and cooking for them while they sat happily on the couch doing puzzles, watching TV, crocheting, etc. The reality turned out to be very different: my grandfather had no interest in any of the meals I cooked for him, and my grandmother is a ball of negativity. "Difficult" is a gross understatement.

My 92 year old grandmother is also an expert at emotional blackmail. She guilt trips me all the time in the hopes that I'll forgo the gym, or my part time job or whatever I'm doing for fun that evening, which really isn't fair to me whatsoever. As someone who is introverted and needs alone time to keep sane, this is extremely exhausting for me- both mentally and physically. I work two jobs where I deal with people all day, then I come home to the ongoing ball of crisis that is Grandma. So it's safe to say that I desperately need that time to myself every day to function properly. I'm slowly learning to let things go, and let it go in one ear and out the other. It takes practice.

As caregivers, it is critical that we take care of ourselves. What good will we be to anyone if we overload ourselves to the point of illness or injury? Yes, you and your husband need to take time for yourselves. There's nothing selfish or callous about it at all. It's necessary. There is nothing wrong with outsourcing/allocating care.

You are only ONE person and can only do so much. One person cannot do it all. One person cannot be there 24/7. You need help or else you're going to burnout and end up in the hospital. Then where will you and your family be?
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Relocate mom. Don’t feel guilty. If your sister won’t take her, place her in a facility where she will be well taken care of. You’ve done your time. It’s your turn to live your life.
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No! At least you have the luxury of siblings, its 14yrs for us. If anything do not move your parents into your home unless they are DESOLATE.
Sorry, been a bad week here😣
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