
He is 83 years old, still works full-time, is a veteran, but is homeless.

Social Services too.
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Reply to JoAnn29

There are organizations that will help find homes for Veterans and in many cases will pay for a year of rent.
There are other places that will charge rent on a sliding scale. These typically have long wait lists but priority is given to Veterans. The same with Senior Housing.
So to begin....
Check with the local Veterans Assistance Commission and ask what services they can help with.
Check with the local Housing Authority find out what apartments are for Seniors and or Low income.
Call the local Senior Service Center or Area Agency on Aging and see what is available.
Call the VA and ask if there is "Homeless Housing". Unfortunately it might not be close to where he currently works.
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Reply to Grandma1954

Has he considered the VA? He'll get everything he needs there.

If you are looking for him, does this mea he isn't really able cognitively to help himself very well? If so then he definitely needs the VA.

Otherwise, he'd have to probably be on a waiting list for Section 8 housing and then he'd only get housing and no other help.
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Reply to Geaton777

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