
Please help me, I cannot hardly take it anymore. I have always done whatever it takes to love each of our 3 children. When they were young and teenagers I was involved in all activities. My husband and I were so very close to all of them. Now two of my adult children talk so disrespectful to me. They yell at me if I make one misstep. If I do not do exactly as they ask, they let me know how I have messed up. Each of them have children in which we are so very close to, but they only let us see them on their terms and time. Life things have happened to both of their little families, and for some odd reason if things aren't going well, we get the brunt of it. I am beyond sad, as I dont want to lose them or my grandchildren, but I cannot be treated this way anymore. For a while I just shut up and did as they would ask of me, but the yelling and accusations, etc are becoming so hurtful our health is now being affected. If I try to talk to them, they start talking above me and yelling at me either face to face, or thru texts. It's almost like my very "being" ills them. We used to be so close, but now I honestly am beginning to wonder if they even like us anymore. We know we probably should walk away at this point, but seriously as a Gramma, my heart is broken in pieces that I will essentially have to walk away from my grandchildren also. I am beyond sad. I cannot believe this is happening in our family. Family means everything to me, always has, and now I can't even comprehend this life.

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There are two sides to every story and then the truth.

I am with Burnt and Alva. You need to look at yourself first. Do you tend to give out unwanted advice, especially when it involves the grands? Do you tend to preach at them? That type of thing turns me off.

If you truly cannot figure out what sets them off and other daughter has no idea, then you step back. You tell these two children that you have no idea why the disrespect but you will no longer tolerate it. If they blackmail you with the kids, then you tell them you will miss them. People treat you the way you allow them to. If you are in their home when they start, leave. If they are in your home, ask them to leave. If they call you and start, tell them you will be hanging up and not to call you back until they can talk to you nicely. Text, block them. Don't answer calls, don't be available to babysit. Do not loan them money. You learn to use the word No. Its a one word sentence. Both u and husband have to be on the same page.

I have done a lot for my one daughter mainly because she has the children. I told her years ago when she had her first one, if she needs a babysitter, my plans trump hers. I will not give up my plans to do a favor for anyone unless an emergency. As parents when our children become adults they leave the nest. We allow them to now make their own mistakes. They are now to support themselves and make their own way in the world. This goes for us too. Our kids are grown so now its our time to do the things we have wanted to do. Our children have no right to demand things from us. If we are available to baby sit, fine. If we have plans, sorry you will need to hire a babysitter.

Our children are not here to be at our beck and call and that goes for us to. We can say No and when we do our children find another option. And this goes both ways.
Helpful Answer (3)

I'm not sure what this thread has to do with 'agingcare' or caregivers?
OP says they aren't retirement age yet and aren't sick, although claiming your adult spoiled children have demons-that's questionable.
Something isn't right here.
Helpful Answer (6)
AlvaDeer Jan 9, 2025
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“Disrespectful” is an unusual adjective to choose. It might mean ‘not doing what we say’.
Helpful Answer (3)
AlvaDeer Jan 9, 2025
In her case, if you read in her responses, it may also mean possessed by demons.
THAT is truly scary stuff.
I'm not going to point fingers of who is right and who is wrong. If your kids are acting like a$$es when you call them, leave their rude behinds alone. You do not have to tolerate disrespectful children especially when you have been bailing them out financially and then treated rudely after you bailed them out.

I don't tolerate anyone yelling and screaming at me. If I've done something to offend someone, they can tell me about it. Now if I set a boundary and someone takes offense to it, then it's their problem. I have a niece that tried this mess with me. I rarely hear from my sister's rude adult kids. My mother and sister were both having children around the same time so, I'm closer in age to my sister's children. Anyway, my dad spoiled my older sister and her kids by always bailing them out financially until he was in his late eighties. One granddaughter always tried to bully me into providing free hotel service when she comes to town. She wanted me to host her a few months after my husband died. I had taken a weeks vacation so that I could be home. I didn't hear anything from her the entire time she was in town. Finally, she called me late one night and I didn't hear the phone. I had to get back to work the next day, and I don't keep a cell phone in the room with me. She was so angry and had threatened to go on social media to tell what a terrible person I was. Fast forward, she started calling me again after some years had gone by with the same request again this time worded differently. Apparently, she didn't want to pay for the hotel and wanted me to provide room and board including food, and amenities. I had just started a new job and really wasn't up to having my sister's crazy brood around me. Last time they were altogether, they started a big ruckus at my apartment. So, they are no longer welcomed here.

After I didn't fold to their requests again, I haven't heard from them in months. No news is good news.

It doesn't matter who did what to whom. What you need at this time in life is peace and no drama.

It sounds like your kids are spoiled and entitled. As a wise therapist told me years ago to let rude and entitled folks fall on their faces and stop enabling, lending money, giving them a place to crash, and bailing folks out. When you get tired of being a doormat, just stand up.

Your kids are grown. Live your life.
Helpful Answer (2)
MargaretMcKen Jan 8, 2025
Actually, it sounds like OP THINKS her kids are spoiled and entitled. We don't know what they think about OP. Perhaps 'lay off the advice'?
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If you have three children and two out of the three have serious problems with you, you're the problem. I'm not saying your kids are 100% innocent and do not contribute to the dysfunction and abusive family dynamic you all have with each other. They do.

All of you need to sit down, and talk. Then you and your husband need to listen. Really listen. If your kids resent your very "being" as you say they do, there is reason for this. Usually for reasons that go back a long time.

Before you sit down with your kids to get it all out in the open, sit down with yourself and do some serious thinking. Be honest with and don't convince yourself into denial that it's all your kids' fault. If you're truly honest for yourself you will get why they're so disrepectful and resentful towards you. Then that will be when it's time for a sit-down with them.

Good luck and I wish you and your family healing and happiness.
Helpful Answer (6)
AlvaDeer Jan 8, 2025
Ummmmm yup. Looks like you pegged it.
There's a side we aren't serious here. Our OP posits below that the children may be possessed of demons and prayer will change this.
I think the children may have a point here, and may be quite desperate.
I think the OP and hubby should sit and fully discuss things in a rational manner with the children.
I wouldn't have my children visiting people who believe that we can be possessed of demons and god can change that. People have actually died in some "exorcisms" from excess religiosity. Children have died, that is.
So there are more problems here I think than are readily visible, and they may be way beyond a Forum to help.
No one deserves to be yelled at or treated disrespectfully, even from relatives. The minute it starts, leave, or if on the phone, get off the phone. No explanation needed, just a quick “I’m not being spoken to like that, good bye” They will have the option to treat you better or not be around at all, this is their decision, so make peace with it. I hope the relationships heal with time and wish you peace
Helpful Answer (3)

Thank you all for your wonderful and so kind advice to me. My son is 40 and my daughter is 39. We do not depend on them financially, in fact, we have given quite a large amount of money over the years to both of them in their time of need. We are close to retirement age and wondering where our future might lead us. Our third child, the baby in the family, 35, has told me that I am not wrong in the way I act or talk. She even stood up for me and her Dad, and guess what, they ousted her for a bit. Her husband told her the other day, "your'e parents have been the same kind people as the first day I met them 15 years ago." I just think this generation of children in their late 30's have a different way of treating people.
Thank you all again, for your kind advice. I will continue to pray that God removes whatever demons are controlling them mind, body and soul. That they will be able to love and not hate.
Helpful Answer (1)
AlvaDeer Jan 8, 2025
Gods and demons?
Sorry, you sure just lost me.
This makes me think that burntcaregiver above is right.
There may be a reason your children are treating you as they are.
DEMONS do not control people.
I worry for you and for the grands more than ever now.
I would take Burnt's words seriously. Sit with your children and LISTEN.
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I have a somewhat similar situation. I think you should tell your children that you are changing your will (or trust) and setting it up so that all assets at the time of your death will be equally divided between your grandchildren when they reach the age 25. It will be interesting to see their reaction. Is their concern to ask themselves why you feel this is necessary or are they upset because they won't be benefitting. Hopefully their response will start a conversation that allows you to understand why you are not being treated with respect. They may not know now without something that causes introspection.
Helpful Answer (1)
GrammaM Jan 8, 2025
Dear Almondeyes, I am sorry you having to struggle with this also. Our will is now set up that our Children get a certain percent and our Grandchildren each also will receive a certain percent. Honestly, I do not think it is about money. I think I possibly just did too much for them for far too long and now that I am not able to be their little puppet, they are resenting me. Both of them have spouses that I have witnessed are pretty demanding of their parents. Almost entitled acting. My kids did not use to be like this. The two I am talking about have always worked hard, would help a stranger in a moments notice, kind to all......... I am not sure why they have became this way.
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Give yourself a break . Is this the Millennial generation That is constantly On their Phones and computers ? They Lack social skills and are not people oriented .
Helpful Answer (1)
lealonnie1 Jan 8, 2025
Not being people oriented and being downright disrespectful are 2 different things. You cannot generalize by sweeping a whole generation of "millennials" into such a category! My daughter is the sweetest, most respectful millennial aged person I've met.
I'm so very sorry for your situation and how you are being treated. You will now need to decide upon boundaries. The boundaries are for you, not them.

If they often ask you to babysit or help them in any way, I would say no going forward. I know this will be very difficult, but it is the only way to send a clear message. If they ask why you can't babysit, then you can tell them about how you've been disrespected and you don't deserve it and you're not going to place yourself in a situation where you can receive further disrespect. If they start talking over your or screaming, walk away and go home.

If you've been asking them to help you, then you will now need to pay money and hire out that help.

If you live with any of them, you may need to consider transitioning to a senior community. You don't need to be dramatic, just let them know calmly (IF THEY ASK) that you will wait until they can be respectful and then you will be better able to enjoy a healthy relationship with them. Obviously "family" doesn't mean as much to them as it does to you. Go out and join clubs, get a new hobby and volunteer. Don't wait for them to come around. May you gain peace in your heart as you move forward.
Helpful Answer (2)

You say that two of your three children are acting badly. Is it possible to talk to the third child about it? Perhaps you are being ‘annoying’ in a way that you can’t see, just as the two might be being ‘disrespectful’ in your eyes but in a way that they can’t see. They are of course adults who are entitled to bring up their children in the way they want. Tempers can get frayed if there are disagreements on this. The third child might help to explain things. Don't ask them to 'judge', just to 'explain'.

We do have posts from parents who believe that they are ‘right’, and the grandparents are not. Of course an outsider has no way of seeing what is happening. Any chance to sort this out is worth trying! Best wishes, Margaret
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Ask your children, point blank, why they're choosing to treat you with such disrespect and contempt? See what they have to say for themselves. Listen. Then let them know that you won't tolerate this treatment anymore, that your health is suffering as a result. That you and their dad must focus on self preservation right now, so until and unless they can act in a civilized manner, don't bother contacting you. If they are going to withhold the grandchildren from seeing you as "punishment", so be it. You will cry and be disappointed, but no more so than you already are from all this ugly treatment.

I once had to do that very thing with my son many years ago. He was angry for a month or so, but then he apologized and we solved the issue we were having.

Take care of yourselves now. That's what a psychologist from the Mayo Clinic told my husband when his daughter was causing him a lot of grief during his liver transplant in 2022. The doctor told him to deal with himself and his issues only, that grown adult children should not be paid any mind during such times. That's what he did, too, thank God, and his daughter wound up cutting both of us off from the granddaughters over a year ago. Toxic people, family or not, that choose to wreak such havoc, have no place in our lives. We're hoping when the grandchildren get phones, we can keep in touch with them directly.

I'm sorry things like this sometimes happen. Sending you a prayer for peace and courage moving forward.
Helpful Answer (3)

To be honest, you cannot BUY your love from anyone. And that is what you are attempting to do by ignoring their parents bad behavior so you can see the grandchildren.

Currently the grandchildren are being taught by seeing the interactions between you and their parents, to disrespect people. That really isn't good for them or in their interests.

I would have a discussion with your children to tell them that you will not be allowing them to treat you without respect anymore. If that means you cannot see your grandchildren you will be very sad, but you will simply have to find, in this world of needy children, kids who DO respect you.

For some years I volunteered in teaching programs through an organization working with our schools. I loved it and I got to hone my long forgotten grammar skills. The children ADORE you for this one-on-one attention.

The world is FULL of children. Blood connection to me means ZERO. Would you not love an ADOPTED grand as much?

We teach people how they are allowed to treat us.
Start teaching your own children NOW. If they cannot be decent and polite in your presence then find people who CAN, and care for THEM.
Helpful Answer (4)
BurntCaregiver Jan 8, 2025
You always give the best advice, Alva. That is so true about kids learning how to respond by how the adults do. I grew up in a home that had zero respect. My son did not see his father and I behave badly to each other even when we were divorced. He was raised to be respectful of himself and others.
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