
I always wonder how far along we are in the disease progression. How long is left? Mum manages her personal care (after I finally had to tell her that she must shower weekly AND wash her hair) but is losing the ability to care for her cat and is unable to do any other tasks. She's 86 years old; I moved her to assisted living 2 and 1/2 years ago.
She has become convinced that I take her identification and bank card; she loses these items and her keys every couple of days, then becomes distraught and calls old neighbors and church members, weeping and sobbing and wanting them to come over immediately. Recently I went out of town to visit my grandchildren for a few days. Mum called my brother to tell him that she had bad news, that I had 'ABSCONDED' and she had no identification or access to her bank account or money. She weeps and wails, and says she's lost everything. And I guess she pretty much has.

She does have pleasant hallucinations that my younger brother, who died a couple of years ago, has come to comfort her. She had vivid unpleasant dreams about 6 months ago but doesn't mention them anymore. She's sometimes astonished to hear from me because she's certain I've died.

Her health is pretty good beyond Alzheimer's and vascular dementia - she has a 47% blockage in one intracranial carotid artery and has severe delirium with any bladder infection or hospital stays.

How long will this go on?

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It's very hard to predict how long a person will live with Alzheimer's disease. My ex-husband's mother is 93. She was diagnosed about 11 years ago. She cannot walk but can sit up in the wheelchair. She can't feed herself but can swallow so still ingests food and liquids by mouth. She makes noises but does not speak. She appears to have no health problems other than Alzheimer's disease. She wears a diaper but can use the toilet with patience and assistance from her caregiver (my ex-husband).
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I'm not sure if the paranoia or delusions fade on their own or not. My LO was really suffering with mental distress due to hers, so, her doctor prescribed a daily med for anxiety and depression. It worked quite well and really helped her feel more content. She would still have some delusions, but, they were pleasant ones, like she thought that her doctor slept on the couch in her MC or that she had ridden on a horse to the store for ice cream. Her crying stopped and she was generally much happier, even though, her dementia continued.
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GardeningGal Sep 2019
Thanks, Sunnygirl! I've made an appt to speak to her physician about it later this week. I seem to recall the geriatrician mentioning the possibility of anti-anxiety meds a few months ago, before things became this bad. Glad to hear that the meds are helping your loved one.
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