
My sister came in stole my moms money robbed her blind of her money and jewelry and pain pills how did she keep stealing from my mom after she died my mom was married to my dad that was healthy at the time and she didn't let my sister near anything due to her being an addict and she just came home from prison I was taking care of my mom for months and everything was fine I had her come one time cause my car broke down my mom was dead 2 days later from shock and she was cleaned out how is my sister still getting money from my moms account and my dads?

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I understand completely how you feel. I also have a 62 yr old sister that calls Mom constantly to give her money and her food stamp card. She is getting a divorce from her husband but he still makes payments on her vehicle and cell phone and dont know what else. She won't work, assuming responsibility for herself. Mother who is 87 yrs old, and on a fixed income, her health has been on a constant decline in the last 2 yrs. She lived alone in an apartment and was independent until December 2023 she was sick with the shingles and decided she could no longer care for herself moved in with me and my family. I am her constant caregiver, she needs assistance to the bed side toilet and shower, getting in and out of bed. We will not allow my sister to come because she will be here everyday belittling mom and bossing mom around. Cursing and causing chaos. I tell Mother how I feel about her, but she feels different about her. She know how she is but feels guilty about not giving her money for food. I know it's motherly love. But she is 62 and not child. It's very frustrating and agonizing. I am to the point of If she wants to keep giving her money and enabling her from getting a job then I guess it will have to be. I'm just tired of worrying about it.
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FIle a police report.
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A Lesson Learned For Others - All it Takes is One Time - Let In a Greedy Sibling Or They Have Drug Problems And Steal . They Will Wipe You and Your Family Out . Sad They We Place Trust as a caregiver Into a Family member with Bad Intentions But It Happens often .
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If your sister got banking information when she was in the house that is how she is getting money from the account.
Your dad needs to notify the bank that someone has accessed his account.
Your dad NEEDS to contact the police
Your dad NEEDS to press charges
Your dad NEEDS to follow through with this there is no telling what other things your sister has done. If she has the information she can obtain a credit card in his name.
Your dad NEEDS to contact the 3 credit reporting companies and freeze his accounts.
And please punctuation.
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Assuming your sister is an addict, an addict finds almost endless ways to get what they want to keep the addiction going. Your sister used the one time she came to not only visit mom but to access what she wanted. If dad is still living it’s on him to put a stop to it himself. If he’s not mentally sound and can’t do this, I hope he’s named a POA to act on his behalf to do this. I’m sorry for your loss
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With all due respect… without any punctuation, your post isn’t very understandable.
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