I know I just posted, but last night my grandmother who I care for attempted to kill herself by taking a bunch of pills. We got her to the hospital and she's stable, but brain damaged and unable to give answers. They're admitting her finally and her POA (husband) made it so she can't leave. We're lost though on next steps or how to deal with this. Do we just sit and wait for the hospital to suggest, start looking for resources, get things in order?
We gave her the legal option if she was set on this. She didn't want to take that though as "it's not in my control, I know what I'm doing."
Is there a trigger that might have led her to do this, {like shorter days as an example)?
The trigger was her son dying recently of a heart attack. That paired with her depression escalating come winter. I know it's not my fault, but I argued with her that night too begging her to stop being stubborn and accepted the help provided to her (as I'm the only one she'll let do any care). She had an ostomy blowout and refused to let anyone change it and instead taped a dog pad to her stomach and sat there yelling at us.
If there is no POA then the husband is.
That's the person that will be contacted regarding care, likely placement ongoing.
Your grandmother, can OF COURSE NOT LEAVE at this point. She will be on a suicide hold that will be AT THE LEAST 72 hours, and perhaps more.
She needs psychiatric and neuro evaluation that is complete.
I am so sorry. In all truth life becomes too difficult for many people of all ages, and this does happen. I hope she gets the best of care, evaluation, medications and followup.
Again, I am so sorry.
There is no need to apologize for posting here, ever. And in fact we hope that you will come here as often and whenever you wish to, and when it may bring you some comfort.
Are you sure she attempted suicide and didn't just forget that she had already take the pills?
Nonetheless... LTC? Hospice? She won't be released home if no one takes her there. What does her doctor say about what kind of ongoing care will she now need? Is she mobile at all? Can she feed herself? Etc...?
The doctor right now is admitting her to neurology and geriatrics for monitoring. They don't know much as she's not coherent and we weren't up to actually confirm what happened, just that we found her a couple hours later on the ground.
Right now she can't do much of anything. Before she could still walk with assistance and eat. I did all her personal care like ostomy, showering.
They will then have to find the appropriate facility for your grandmother to move into.
And if money is an issue the social worker can help her husband apply for Medicaid to pay for her placement and care.
I'm glad that your grandmother will finally be getting the help she so desperately needs.
I'm sad, but glad too. I've been pleading she take help for the last year. Even as early as 2 weeks ago she went to the hospital and they let her walk herself out. My grandfather didn't want to tell the hospital she's at risk, so I did. I just want her to get help and be comfortable.