
Just really need advice.

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I am in the exact same situation and I haven’t been able to find anything I research that has to do with both my ex and his mother are narcissists and are abusing me and I’m stuck coparenting with him and I’m just so scared. I feel trapped. I feel like they are so fake to me and always planning something behind my back. Planning a way to get our daughter take. Away from me some how or how theh bullied me and ripped me apart for not dropping back child support. Theh have me under their thumb also financially where I live was paid for by the mother which I’m grateful for but I was threatened to move to a different state to be closer to his family and the mother and if I did t agree he’d try to take my daughter away from me. I can go on forever I just need help !
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Reply to Kristy2492
MargaretMcKen Nov 21, 2024
Kristy, your problem is really about your marriage and your daughter – custody, care and financial support. You certainly aren’t caring for your ex’s mother. Please could you look for a more relevant forum? This one isn’t right for you.
I think leaving will help my nerves but at the same time I didn't sign up to throw my life away. I need a hobby
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MartinaS
funkygrandma59 Sep 23, 2024
Martina, you won't be throwing your life away, but instead will be taking your life back, and making yourself a priority.
And I bet when you do that, you will realize what you've been missing and won't ever again put up with the carp you've put up with thus far.
This is why woman should always make sure they are in the workforce. Makes it easier to walk away. I was lucky, I had my parents when my ex said he did not want to be married anymore. I had not worked for 3 years and had a one year old. I went home. I found a job because if my previous work experience and a year later was able to move into a small apt. I always had my foot in the door, part-time and full-time jobs.

We never know what others situations are. Not all woman can walk away.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

So your caring for your MIL. As said leave and divorce him but that easier said than done. Do you have family who can take you in. If so, you immediately find a job so you can help with bills and start putting money away for a place of your own.

You maybe entitled to 50% of the marital assets. He may have to pay alimony till ur on your feet. If this caregiving is 24/7, meaning no time for yourself, thats slave labor. A good reason to leave. You really should have a lawyer guide you. You may be surprised what husband's responsibility is to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
Report's called divorce.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to funkygrandma59

I would:
1. Get a job
2. Rent a room
3. Leave hubby and MIL

Do you think this would work? If not, why not?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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