I don't see why you dropped Medicare. My DH is union and was getting BC/BS with me as a dependent. He retired and received Medicare and BC became his supplimental. I retained full coverage until I received Medicare and then BC became my supplimental. By dropping Medicare, isn't he being penalized now with a larger premium.
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Reply to JoAnn29
Isthisrealyreal Sep 4, 2024
If it was a qualifying plan with Medicare you do not get penalized. I am pretty sure that employer provided would meet the criteria.
I think this person is asking whether she should move her husband off her work insurance and back on onto Medicare, now that he has an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

If I understand that right, then honestly I have no idea. Depends on the details ofcoverage and in-network (for the work insurance). provided by each.

I am not aware of any reason why one would necessarily be automatically be better than the other.

Sorry about your husband’s diagnosis.
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Reply to Rumbletown
Geaton777 Sep 4, 2024
One reason to go back to Medicare is that it may open up more options for doctors and clinics. Often corporate health insurance has limited networks, unlike Medicare. Plus, Medicare is national where the work insurance most likely is not (BCBS is an exception, but still is not in every state).
And what happened?
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