Most folks with dementia recognize the ones they're closet to right up until the end.
And if they don't they still recognize the person as someone who loves and cares for them.
So don't waste your time worrying about something that very well may never happen, but instead just enjoy your mom while you still have her here.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

There may or may not be signs, it could happen suddenly or not at all. Please don’t waste precious time with useless worry over things you cannot control. Enjoy mom for now
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Reply to Daughterof1930

The sign I saw in my daddy was not knowing the streets he had driven for 72 years, merging my sisters wedding with his saying a friend was at his wedding when she was not even born yet.
His eyes became more round than the regular almond shape, he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, he didn't know what that cable wire needed to be there so he could watch tv. He couldn't remember volume up volume down. He thought the sun was up at the wrong time of the day. (by the way that is my favorite). I loved my daddy and I share this because as a caregiver we are there all the time and we get used to what is happening. We need to step back and ask ourselves is this really normal? As I looked back on things this all started two years before I took a real look at what was happening! So you asking this question is great!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Ohwow323

Sorry. There just aren't very many signposts on this journey given that it is as individual to a person as her own thumbprint.
It's heartbreaking and sad, isn't it. I am so sorry.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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