
I worry about my neighbor. He needs help. No family to assist him. I called local aging care and all they did was give me phone numbers to nursing homes. I don't mind helping him out by shopping and small tasks, but he needs help with the processes involved so he receives proper care. Is there someone to call that can compassionately do this for him. Obviously I have no experience whatsoever with this type of situation. He has medicare but no medicade.

I wonder why Office of Aging did not refer you to APS. Where I live they are one and the same. Giving you a list of NHs! You are not related and cannot legally do anything for this man how did they think you could manage that.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Aging care may be a different office from Adult Protective Services. Call APS and tell them that he is a vulnerable senior living alone with no help. Helping him is their job. And yes, call 911 if you see anything really dangerous. It's very kind of you to care about him.
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Reply to MG8522

Yes to reporting him to APS. If you're worried about him, it's because of what you are aware of. Imagine what you aren't aware of. As others have wisely suggested, do not be tempted to insert yourself in this situation. The more you attempt to prop him up as if he's "independent" the longer it takes for an appropriate care solution to be put in place for him, along with the assignment of a legal guardian so that someone can legally manage his affairs.

Bless you for your concern. There have been numerous posts on this forum by well-meaning people who tried to help their neighbors but fell down the rabbit hole of progressively increasing neediness -- only to require APS to come in and rescue the elders in the end anyway.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

You’re very kind and caring to be helpful to your neighbor. Continue to watch the situation and when you know he’s unsafe call Adult Protective Services in your area and report the issues. He’s blessed to have a neighbor who cares
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

He knew he had no family. He’s had a lifetime to plan what he’d do if his health declined and he needed help. Sadly, many elders find themselves in this position.

It isn’t your job to fix this. We’re taught to be kind, look after the less fortunate and yada yada. As a family caregiver, I need to warn you that it’s easy to get sucked into a situation that becomes impossible to end. Provide guidance to him, but don’t take pity on him and make promises. He needs professional care in a facility now.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Fawnby

You need not to get involved in this.
You will not be thanked for it.
You need to give the neighbor numbers for outreach to his own doctor, emergency services, stores that will deliver. You neighbor will need placement when he/she cannot manage for self.

You need not to enable the bad decision to stay home alone.
Call APS for management and assessment.
Call 911 for emergencies you become aware of.
Good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Bulldog54321 Mar 18, 2025
This is it in a nutshell. Keep calling APS if you have specific examples.
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