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Escape from what?
Helpful Answer (2)
lealonnie1 Oct 2023
Helpful Answer (2)

From their profile:

"I am caring for my father, who is 85 years old, living at home.

Middle daughter of Parkinson Pop & stroke survivor Mom. My older brother named financial POA been caring for Pop in their home few years. My younger sister named POA been caring for Mom several years as her memory being erased. I live half continent away with husband + adopted High needs sons . Now hiring In Home care so siblings can move on. "

If you are trying to escape the financial burden of paying for their care, you are not under any obligation to contribute. This is the problem for the PoAs to solve. You have your own high-needs son to make a priority and save your funds for his care.

Your siblings need to pursue transitioning parents to a facility using Medicaid. The PoAs need to consult with an elder law attorney or Medicaid Planner for your parents' home state. Or they need to talk to social services about an Elder Waiver or Pace program. You paying for 2 people's in-home care is unsustainable and unfair to your own immediate family.

Your siblings will be very angry for a while. Then things will eventually get better for you.
Helpful Answer (2)
AlvaDeer Nov 2023
Thanks Geaton for doing that research I never think to do. I just don't often remember to go to the profile page. New posters often feel that writing there means we know what's happening for them.

Thanks also for this (as per usual) great response which covers anything I might have thought of, and more.
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