
We were told the existing one doesn't have the proper language.

wife-husband. The POA already exists - we've just been advised that it needs different language to be used for pulling documentation for medicaid app.
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Reply to tmsjenk
AlvaDeer Mar 21, 2025
And who made this POA?
An Attorney?
Because that doesn't sound quite right to me.
So in this case you must go directly to Medicaid to find out exactly what language they require. Then if she is able to, you amend the POA. If not, more difficult and you will be required to use an attorney to address this.
Who is the applicant? Does the applicant have legal capacity to assign a PoA or create the other paperwork (Advance healthcare Directive, Will, etc)?

I applied on behalf of my MIL who had short-term memory impairment and I don't remember it being required if she had a PoA, but I could be wrong -- it was in MN back in 2017.
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Reply to Geaton777

Durable POA should be done by an attorney, and written FOR you and your elder, putting into the document your wishes.
This isn't something to pull off a computer. Banks won't accept it. This must be done by an attorney with the persons present and examined.

Has your loved one asked you to serve as his/her POA?
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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