
My dad recently has begun having days where when he tries to walk. His knees seem to buckle or he completely looses his balance. On those days, he is also very confused and doesn’t make it to the bathroom in time. He appears to be very unaware or just lost. With the bathroom issue, he either is not aware that he has totally missed the toilet or that he has urinated on himself. He just tries to act as if it has not happened.

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The cause of the days when he has problems needs to be addressed. Why is it happening? He needs to see his doctor.
Now...You or someone else needs to begin to more Proactive when it comes time for dad to go to the bathroom.
You gently remind him about every 2 hours that he should go to the bathroom.
You can be by his side in case he needs help.
If he does not have a walker it might be time to get one.
If he needs help in the bathroom then you help him IN the bathroom.
Encourage him to sit on the toilet rather than stand. It is safer if he is a bit unsteady. Also it is easier to miss if standing.
And it might be time to forego the regular underwear and replace it with disposable incontinence underwear.
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Cawhattodo: He may have to visit a neurologist for cognitive testing.
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Hi, I'd replace all of his underwear with disposables. You can tell him you bought brand new underwear for him. Put them in underwear drawer and bathroom.
As Geaton777 said, check for UTI. Make sure he is getting enough hydration. He's either unaware of his incidents or embarrassed, so don't shame.
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Short solution is disposable briefs for now, but he should go in for an exam since there's no way we can know what's physically going on with him. He could have a UTI, or other medical issue which may be treatable.
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Sounds like your father has one of the dementias, as falls and incontinence usually go hand in hand with dementia. Also being confused and lost go along with dementia.
Has he been diagnosed yet? If not it's time to take him to a neurologist to get him diagnosed, just so you know exactly what you're dealing with.
Your father with his broken brain cannot help that he's missing the toilet or peeing on himself, so it's time to throw all of his underwear away and replace them with the men's Depends. Just make sure you call them his "new" underwear and not diapers, as even though his brain is broken he still deserves to be able to maintain some dignity.
Often incontinence is the straw that breaks the camels back, and will lead to a loved one being placed in the appropriate facility.
Best wishes in doing what is best for all involved.
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Start looking into AL facilities. Your father is going to need one.
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Do you know why he is having these days ? Have you taken him to the doctor about ? If not I would have him seen by the doctor and have him tested for a UTI as well .
Does he have dementia ?

I would buy disposable briefs ( they are like pull ups for adults ) and use those instead of regular underwear . Remove all his cloth underwear from his drawer and put the disposable briefs in the drawer .
He will need assistance in the bathroom .
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