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No is one of the first word infants learn. It's short, fun to say, even better to say LOUD!

Infants learn the word NO is a choice. It has POWER.

Do you want to change your clothes? Take a shower? Go to bed? Eat your soup?

Of course not. That's all boring...

Or sometimes it's a brain thing...(maybe hx stroke or asphasia). Saying no can be an automatic response. Do you want a cuppa & a slice of cake? No.
Sometimes a person does mean YES but the brain is faulty & defaults to NO.
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happyandchirpy Aug 22, 2024
Thank you for your helpful response!!!
Because she has Alzheimer's/dementia.
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She says that she cannot stop saying no. Sometimes she says it really loudly. I even think I hear her when she is not doing it. I wish she would stop. I can't even take her out anywhere. It would be too annoying for anyone to hear.
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According to your profile you have many more issues than your MIL constantly saying no. In fact that sounds like the least of your problems.
You've gotten yourself in a hot mess when you agreed to go in together with your in-laws to buy a house together and are now in way over your head with not only their care but also with your evil FIL.
The only way I see out of this hot mess is to sell the home, split any proceeds and let your MIL and FIL use their money to move into an assisted living facility, and you and your husband get on with living and enjoying your lives without all the excess drama from your in-laws. Or buy out your in-laws half.
And to answer your question....if your MIL has dementia and is constantly saying no, it's more than likely because she is no longer comprehending what is being said, so just says no.
But again....that really is the least of your worries. You need to get your in-laws out of your/their house sooner than later.
Helpful Answer (4)
happyandchirpy Aug 21, 2024
Only MIL lives here and my husband and I own the house.
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Your post details don’t follow from ‘why does MIL say no constantly’. Do you want answers to the question, or answers to your housing situation?
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