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Medications can be formulated in other ways other than pills or capsules.
If there is a problem with pills many meds can be ordered in liquid form.
Patches are another method medication is given.
And probably the least desirable suppository form. (although this is probably one of the fastest and most effective in getting the medication into a person.)
If you have to put a medication in a food try
Ice cream
For a mealtime medication try mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, oatmeal, grits.

Please check the medication and make sure it can be crushed. Any that are coated can not or should not be crushed.
Capsules and gel caps can't be crushed.
Helpful Answer (1)

I wouldn't, many meds are bitter and won't dissolve completely, plus if they don't finish the juice they won't have the whole dose. Check with your pharmacist before crushing any medication since not all of them can be safely crushed, if it's allowed then jam is supposed to be good because is very sweet and the pieces of fruit give it a chunky texture which is better able to hide pills.
Helpful Answer (2)
Geaton777 Jun 22, 2024
Not to mention some medications are never meant to be broken up as this destroys the time-release mechanism in the pill or tablet and the person will get an unintended dosage dump all at once.
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