Caring for Elderly Parents
At some point in time, many adult children shift roles and become caregiver to a parent. It’s natural to hope that a parent is safe and happy in their golden years, however without proper future planning, children are often left in the unexpected and sometimes unwanted role of family caregiver. When an aging loved one’s health begins to fail, families are often confronted by some very challenging decisions.
As adults live longer, adult children are more often involved in their parents' long-term care decisions. Progressive diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s can last for years, so what may start as a response to some simple requests for assistance sometimes evolves into a full-time caregiving role that costs family caregivers physically, financially and emotionally.
Whether new to caring for a parent or looking for signs that it is time to bring in outside assistance, AgingCare has resources to help. Browse our collection of care guides, expert articles and Q&A about caring for elderly parents. Find insight and support in AgingCare’s Caregiver Forum from a vibrant community of caregivers with valuable experience in the joys and challenges of caring for aging loved ones.
Parents Articles
New Caregivers: Tips on Caring for Elderly Parents
Whether caregiving has slowly crept into your daily life or you’re suddenly facing difficult decisions following a serious health scare, use these pointers as a guide for caring for an elderly parent.
6 CommentsFirst Steps for New Caregivers: Getting a Health Assessment for Your Parent
When becoming a new caregiver for an aging parent it can be difficult to know where to start. A comprehensive health assessment can help you make care decisions moving forward.
1 CommentHow to Get Paid to Be a Caregiver for Parents
Interested in taking care of elderly parents at home and getting paid? There are many resources that pay family caregivers for their services.
220 CommentsShould I quit my job to take care of my elderly parents?
Before quitting your job, I would recommend have your aging parent's overall living situation assessed.
26 CommentsCaregiving With Siblings: Resolving Issues While Caring for Parents
Issues between siblings often seem to come to a head when a parent begins requiring care. Use these pointers to improve communication skills, minimize dysfunction and recognize when it’s time to set boundaries with toxic siblings.
64 CommentsDetaching With Love: Setting Boundaries With Difficult Elderly Parents
Whether you're providing hands-on care or managing care decisions, setting boundaries with difficult elderly parents enables family caregivers to provide care while safeguarding their own mental health.
183 Comments“I Promised My Parents I'd Never Put Them in a Nursing Home”
Placing a senior in a nursing home can feel like a monumental failure, but this isn’t the case. Adjusting your attitude can help you realize that you are actually fulfilling the underlying commitment you made to your loved one.
Parents Questions
What to do about 89 year old mother behavior affecting 93 year old dad’s health?
2 AnswersAlvaDeer Answered 39 min agoMy mom has severe dementia and is first in line to be POA for my dad
13 AnswersTaarna Answered Mar 22, 2025Elderly mother abusing elderly father.
6 AnswersBlueEyedGirl94 Replied Mar 6, 2025What to do when other person at home cannot take care of a person being discharged?
18 Answersmy2cents Answered Mar 3, 2025
Parents Discussions
The Caregiver & Dysfunctional Families: How are you doing?
34,327 Commentsbundleofjoy Commented Mar 22, 2025Am I crazy to think that a child should care for their aging parents?
83 CommentsAllieCat615 Commented Mar 9, 2025I have no questions. Just some things I experienced with my parents.
3 Commentsnewbiewife Commented Dec 4, 2024My dad is 83 years old with advanced Parkinson's disease. He was just denied Medicaid.
6 CommentsWhymealways Commented Nov 21, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions about Parents
Parents Related Topics
- Abusive Relationship
- Adult Day Care
- Age Related Decline
- Aging in Place
- Alzheimer's & Dementia
- Area Agency on Aging
- Behavior Change
- Burnout
- Care Decisions
- Care Plan
- Caregiver Support
- Claiming Elderly Dependent
- Dad
- Driving
- Elder Law
- Estate Planning
- Family Caregiver
- Health Care Directives
- Long-distance Caregiving
- Mom
- Multi-generational Living
- Narcissism
- Paying for Care
- Power of Attorney (POA)
- Refusing Care
- Sandwich Generation