Hi - this is my first post. My 85 year old dad came into the hospital 2 days ago suggested by his podiatrist for cellulitis on both feet. We’ve been trying to care for it with home care wound care but obviously it’s not getting better so they sent us to the ER. He has newly diagnosed moderate dementia (got a 7 out of 30 on moca test just last week). So I am shocked at how in two days he went from being ok - living on his own - to now he is so out of it (they have only given him a few doses of Ativan) in addition to antibiotics. Does anyone see this - it’s like a completely different person! He also drinks too much and they believe he is also having somewithdrawl and are managing that as well. I am the only family he has and I know he cannot go home like this (we haven’t even had that conversation with social work at the hospital yet). I am his Healthcare POA thankfully when decisions need to be made. I am so sad for him.
He likely now has a mix of dementia, hospital induced psychosis and some delirium Tremon's going on now. That is a real bad combo. Ativan as well can have the exact opposite effect on people that they are looking for. One dose for my anxious brother with early Lewy's dementia, following an accident that landed him in hospital, had him climbing the walls.
There could be some underlying alcoholic encephalopathy.
The sad truth is now you need to get the social workers in there big time for discharge planning. Your Dad is going to need rehab and placement after that into care. You are going to be reliant on the social workers. Do not take on POA or Guardianship or offer up your own home even temporarily.
Stay on this site and read back all you can.
This is a dire situation; I know you are aware of that. I am so sorry.
do research) or offer up my home (I for certain can not and will not do that). I expect to sit down the social
work tomorrow.
I thought having the POA is a good thing so I can make healthcare decisions? Thank you again.
Unfortunately, 85 and medical conditions can take a sudden decline.
Have you talked with the medical staff about hospital delirium? It sounds like that is what's going on, on top of infection.
Prayers that you find a good path forward. It is hard to see our parents fail.
Great big warm hug!
It's also typical for elders to get hospital delirium where they're acting very odd.
Speak with dad's doctors and ask what the prognosis is? I'm sorry you and dad are going through this. Good luck to you both.
setup but honestly I cannot imagine him going home from here without at least going to a rehab first. Thank you for the input!