
We can not afford a bed for my husband at this time

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Does he have Medicaid? My dad got one through Medicaid.
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faithfulbeauty Jun 20, 2024
Correction, not Medicaid but Medicare
I worked for a mattress company and in the State I live in, used mattresses cannot be sold.

If your husband is on Medicare, and has a doctors order, he can get one that way. You find a Durable Equipment place near you to order it. The nearest me delivers.

In my State, we have groups like the Ruritan National. These groups have medical loan closests. Call your Office of Aging. They may have resourses.
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*Is your husband a Veteran? The VA might provide one.

*Most insurance will cover a Hospital bed if the doctor writes an order that it is medically necessary.

*Check with your local Senior Center or if there is a Medical Lending Closet in your area some may have hospital beds.

*Many places will not take a hospital bed with a mattress, most places will no longer take a mattress of any kind. So search "Free..(your town)" on Facebook or "Buy Nothing..and your town on Facebook. People are looking to get rid of them often for free. OR go to those sites on Facebook and post that you are searching for a Hospital bed.

*If your husband is eligible for Hospice then Hospice will provide one.
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Is your husband on Hospice?
Hospice will deliver a free bed (rental) during hospice care.
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