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If MIL isn't rehoused in assisted living or memory care unit, she potentially could cause harm to herself and whoever else is in your home. She could set a fire, feel you are an intruder and grab a knife. You do not know what could happen.

If your husband, his family do not see what is needed here, you need to do what will keep you safe, mentally and physically. Do not put up with this potentially dangerous, and abusive, situation. Get out asap ... stay at an Air b'n'b until the family / your husband make needed arrangements.

Gena / Touch Matters
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Reply to TouchMatters

You need to be talking to your husband. Since you are not, it is possible he has already left you (emotionally). This is his problem. Use his money to hire full time caregiver and go visit your mom.
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Reply to RetiredBrain

The OP has updated. Will no longer be caring for MIL.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to JoAnn29

(lol. "Naturally expects") IMHO, they are enjoying that they don't have to pay $$,$$$.$$ a month 24/7 in caregiver fees. OR, they could pinch hit on the weekends for the entire duration(?)
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Reply to GAinPA

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