If you post appears under "Questions" you will see at the bottom of the response, on the righthand side "respond to Alvadeer". Press on that and the box will pop up and you will just start typing and them press on "post".
If you have a question posted in "Discussions" or moved to Discussions by our admins, then there will be no response prompts so you will respond by making a new post on that thread just as though you were answering it. You can thereafter address the person you wish to respond to such as : @Alvadeer: I told you I TRIED that, and....."

Hope that helps.
It's a learning curve this Forum.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

If you are talking about here on this Forum below an answer or response there are 2 things one is a star that says "helpful answer" and the other is an arrow pointing to the left and it says "reply to.." .and the person that gave that answer.
You click on the "Reply to.." and a box will appear and you can make a reply, comment to that person. Everyone will see it.
Or you can make a private reply or comment to someone by clicking on their avatar and you will be taken to that page and you can reply there and you can make the reply private or make it visible to anyone that goes to that persons page.

You can also just make another comment by typing in anything you want to say in the box that says "Answer Here" and your comment will show up. People will know it is you making the comment because your avatar and screen name will show at the top of your answer/comment.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Grandma1954

Hanna, because your 1st post is in discussions you can not respond to the individual posts, you just go in an do a comment in the "comment here" box on the discussion.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Can you please provide more information? Not sure what you are making reference to... reponses from non-caregiving relatives? From responders on your posts? Other?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

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