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When my Husband was "kicked out" of Adult Day Care (story for another time) I contacted a facility in the area that had a memory Care wing and I asked if they would consider doing "Day Care" and while they did not have day care at the time they agreed to do it. I brought him 2 to 3 days a week for about a year until his care took more time from the full time residents. I also used the same place when I needed Respite for about 3 weeks when I took a vacation. Since he had been there for Day Care he was familiar with the staff and the unit.
So tour a few facilities in your area and ask if they would do Day Care or a few days of Respite for a few weeks.
If you do this there may be some medical "hoops" to go through. They may want a note from his doctor stating he is in good health and the facility may require a TB test and possibly a 2 stage test. (that could be eliminated if a blood test is done)
I will mention though that staying for a few hours a few days a week will not eliminate some of the challenges of him becoming a full time resident.
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Reply to Grandma1954

I have heard that some Assisted Livings will allow, for a price, to allow outsiders to join in activities they have.
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Reply to JoAnn29

The only way I know to go from a couple of days to full time is to use a place that offers respite care. Please know, depending on what is going on with your husband, his personality, and needs, he may not ever get comfortable with new surroundings. If so, that has to be okay and the help is for you both. Joining your local NextDoor will allow you to ask people in your area for both the good and negative feedback and reviews on places near you. I wish you well in finding the right place
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Reply to Daughterof1930

You will first of all need to research your own facilities in your own area.
Start with knowing that most "day care" facilities do not correlate or have their own LTC (long term care) units. So, were he to thrive in day care, it wouldn't mean he would like a LTC facility where there's no option for returning home.

Call your local council or agency on aging for some pointers. Stop in senior centers and ask. Ask in doctor's office. Start visiting long term care facilities. Go online or to NextDoor app and ask about elder care day care facilities.
Wishing you luck in your explorations.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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