Greetings kind people. I did write before. I need advice please. Is it correct that a person with Dementia should not take antidepressants or anti anxiety medication?
My Mum has been confirmed with Dementia but her mood is very low and she is stressed and anxious. Unfortunatly she has been like that prior to dementia.
Years prior.
She has tried two types of antidepressants and they made her worse crying alot etc.
She is now on nothing but needs help as she is so low and sad.
I was told the Dr will put her on a different antidepressant but then someone else said she needs specific meds for dementia as the chemicals in her brain can be affected to her detriment.
She is in a care home but to be honest they have made mistakes and I need to be on board with her meds.
I cant move her as it will be too stressful for her.
Does anyone have a recommendation for meds that may help at all please? I will then suggest them to the facility Doctor.
Many meds have a black box warning that the could have negative side effects on the elderly. But, that is standard for any medication for anyone. Different meds have different side effects for many. You need to make decisions based on the benefit vs risks. Most often, when the med provides a benefit, the risk goes with it. It is trial and error to find the combo of meds that will work for mom. Sometimes an inpatient geriatric psychological assessment is necessary to find what will work.
My mom had dementia. She took Seroquel, anti-psychotic for her behaviors. No anti-depressants, though. Her primary problem was anxiety and agitation.