
Has anyone tried this product for your loved one with dementia? It is always a struggle to keep them hydrated

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We gave pedialyte (dye free)
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I'm a runner and I adore liquid IV. If you want something to mix with water that has no sugars I highly recommend LMNT. It's VERY salty but my kids like it with one packet mixed into a whole quart of water kept in the fridge.

Caveat that these products are meant for athletes and you can certainly overdo salts in the elderly/sedentary easily. If you try them you'll want to mix them with way more water than directed, and I prefer them over ice.
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Ahhh! A new version of sports drink
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cwillie Jul 5, 2024
A new EXPENSIVE version of sports drink
Let me put it to you this way: my mother lived with advanced dementia and only drank black coffee, a diuretic, till 95+. She refused all liquids and lived longer than the vast majority of humans do.

No, forget about IVs and struggles to keep demented elders hydrated! Let them be.
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I have heard that you need a certain amount of fat in your body also, after a while water just goes through you. A half a cup of milk, then water or some ice cream or pudding along with water. The fat holds the water in.

I go by that , my mom drinks these little refrigerator shakes we get at are local convenience store.

I may be wrong , if anyone else ever heard that, but it seems to be helping my family.

On hot days when I'm active I drink half Gatorade and half water. Really seems to help.

I think the best thing to do is keep on top of it so you don't need something like that.

But I do drink Pedialyte when or if I'm really sick with covid/flu or anything like that
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I personally don’t like liquid IV but prefer drip drop. Just for some feedback
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I certainly would not spend my money on a product like this.
Probably not much better than Pedialyte or any one of the "sports drinks".

I preferred to give my Husband real foods that would keep him more hydrated. He loved his Crystal Light and I also made Arnold Palmer for him. (I tried to keep away from the artificial sweetener so for each CL he had he would have the tea lemonade mix.)
But each of his meals also were very fluid. For breakfast in addition to oatmeal, cream of wheat or other such he would have fruit and sometimes yogurt. Lunch was always soup or stew. He would have fruit between and dinner was again another soup or stew. (Most of his meals were blended/pureed so I really did not have to worry about fluids) Even before he had to have pureed foods he always drank a lot.

Foods that contain a lot of liquids
ice cream

keep monitoring fluids may need to be thickened if there is any coughing or choking. If it does things like popsicles and ice cream and jello turn to liquids when in the mouth so they really can't be thickened.
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Assuming this is a genuine question and not spam I'll answer - IMO these products are a big scam and unless they are so delicious that your loved one is begging for more they are no better at hydration than any other beverage you can get them to drink, save your money.
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