
I've tried fast foods. I've tried desserts to get her to eat something. I've seen her pick the crusts off a nicely grilled sandwich, hot and melting with cheese. and not eat the rest. I've seen her throw food directly into the garbage bin. When I told her they were going to throw me in jail, she stopped to think for a minute or two. Then I told her she was starting to look emaciated, she looked at her arm (which is pretty skinny). I just started giving her an Ensure for lunch to get some vitamins down her. She is responding well to that. I'm afraid if I give her sweets, she will think that is all she wants and needs.

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Don’t force her to eat if she doesn’t want to eat. She is in charge of her own body and can choose not to eat. It is not uncommon at this age and as others have already said, she may be starting to decline. You can’t stop it from happening but you can make it easier for her by not getting upset or stressed. Just ask her what she wants and give it to her, whatever it is, and set any judgement or worry aside.
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Reply to ShirleyDot

Do not try so hard, her body will naturally want food when hungry. It’s actually painful to eat when your body cannot handle food. Any food is fine. Understand this may be the start of a natural process. No threats of jail, just try to enjoy the time mom has left. Contact her doctor and ask if hospice care may be appropriate. I watched my dad go through this, he lost the desire for food as his body was giving out. Home hospice was a huge help to me and him. I wish you and mom both peace
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930

When my bedridden, 89-yr old MIL in LTC facility started to drop weight and not wanting to eat (over the span of 2 months she lost 10 lbs, with no other diagnosis) they put her on hospice. It was about 2 weeks before her heart rated dropped and she passed away. Not saying this is what will happen to your Mom, but you need to call her doctor and maybe discuss hospice as well. It's find to give her anything she will eat. She just needs the calories.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

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