Do you have any odor after you do what you do?

I spray lysol in my kitchen trash and i rarely have any odor, however, i do have a lidded can and that lid can cause onion peels to smell up a storm, even with lysol.

I do recommend a good soap and water wash on the regular for any trash can.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Go to youtube and type in catheter care.
They will explain it ALL for you and give you films as well.
You should have FULL explanations of all of this from the MD who ordered self-cath. If you did not get that from staff then you need to call the office and arrange inservice or instruction from them.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Grammy11 Feb 1, 2025
Neither medical personnel nor Utube have any interest in how I dispose of my bathroom garbage, which is composed daily of 6 disposable, intermittent use catheters. The question was not about care of catheters which are not for intermittent use.
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