
My husband has Alzheimer’s and is diabetic. He continually scratches and picks at the scabs he’s created in his legs. Moisturizing creams are used yet he continues to pick at legs.long pants are an option but he’s on disposable underwear and when he soils himself it makes clean up difficult. Any suggestions?

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I wrote this post in Jan 2023 about a solution to skin picking with Alzheimer's. You can get your husband's fingernails coated in clear polish rather than a color:

Betty Pettit passed away a couple of weeks ago, but skin picking was never an issue since the day her neurologist recommended the fingernail gel method described in the post.

Best of luck to you.
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Itching can become very dangerous if scratches and/or subsequent infections develop. I would try to get to the bottom of this sooner rather than later. The best OTC (over the counter) cream seems to be Amlactin, which comes in different colors (pink, blue and green). But I'd try not to do too much diagnosing without going to a doctor. Good luck.
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Yes this happens try getting him something to occupy his hands - like adult coloring. I did not think my daddy would like this activity but he did. I would have him color a picture then hang it up on the wall with blue tape. He love it. He had tremors but when he colored his tremors were not there. You can also try using an ace wrap and wrap it around where they are scratching.
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Discuss with doctor. Itching is common with diabetes but when this out of control all diagnostic workup must be done.
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