
Could the PureWick system work for my disabled mom in bed? My mom “needs to go” in the early am. Dad needs his sleep: he’s her caregiver.

My daughter who is a nurse in a teaching hospital despises PureWick. She swears they always leak no matter what and all her coworkers don’t like them either. That said, I have no personal experience with it
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Reply to Daughterof1930

My mom used one in the hospital recently she was there for 8 days, very weak and hooked up to so many iv's it was necessary for most of her stay.

It worked out really well for her. She sleeps on her back all night so I'm sure that helped.

The hardest part was the first night she couldn't go. She was begging to use the commode. Psychologically everything was telling her you just don't pee while you're in bed! But once the floodgates opened it was no problem and she was grateful to have had it.
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Reply to casole

Purewick has many youtube videos and online sites.
Do explore them.
To tell the honest truth they work best for someone female who is flat on her back in my own humble opinion.

I have heard one success story and one only and that is a woman who had hip surgery, and who had urgency. She had to put on braces before making her way to the bathroom and had nighttime frequency. She used this after her hip surgery for about a month before she was able to get more up and about more quickly and more easily.

Happy exploring. Hope you will find enough info whether to know if it is right for your own situation. We do see MANY here for sale.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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