
She has a fairly recent will made, has made final arrangements, I'm her POA. She has very little items of value. Only two rings which will be returned to the people who bought them for her. The only thing I know I still need to do is show her items and see who she wants to give them to. Before moving her in with me years ago we asked the family to come help pack and take what they wanted while she was there to help with those decisions. I don't think any one wants anything at this point. But wanted to know if there is anything to do before she gets worse. I didn't want to miss anything.

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When you are going through the photos and stories video her. You will enjoy sharing them and reviewing them in the future.
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Go through photos and have her ID people, places, events and dates.

At 94, I had my Mom do a DNA test just for fun. She found the unexpected results really interesting (and so did I).

Suggest she pay for a pre-paid funeral now, if she has enough funds (basic cremation costs around $2500-ish).
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You may want to write down any family stories , history that she is still able to tell so they can be passed on .

Possibly have a state ID made , although most doctor offices don’t care if elderly use an expired driving license as ID .

Get on her accounts to pay her bills .
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