
How do I eliminate smell or urine on body and clothes?

You can soak and throw some vinegar in the wash too. If polyester, I recomnend not throwing in the dryer. It brings the smell back up. Yes, time to be with Mom when she toilets. I used Huggies for my Mom. They are bigger and thicker than womens wipes. Ifvshe is not wearing countenance briefs, she needs to.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Soak the clothes in straight white vinegar for a loooonnngg time before washing as usual. A long time would be 24 hours or even more, depending on how much urine. And even then, it might not work. Some things you just have to throw out. Start using Depends because they soak up a good bit of it and can be tossed.
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Reply to Fawnby

We all go a little nose blind I think. Even when young I could get used to smells; that's only increased with age. So I find myself being extraordinarily CAREFUL with everything. Sometimes it takes leaving the house for a bit to return and realize the drains need that good old bicarbornate and vinegar rinse. Building is old, 1870s. Needs watching. I remember when I had a couple of cats I could fail to notice the litter needed changing until I left and returned.

As an active person you are leaving the home and returning to think "smells of urine!!!"
The remedies are the usual. Frequent changes, meticulous care to bathing often enough, washing any soiled clothing and linens with frequency in good hot water and a good soap, oxi-clean as needed and sodium bicarb. Good solid closing pails for incontinence items and frequent emptying. Just the usual. Would invite you to the internet exploration of good products out there. I love Zero Odor ( because it adds nothing in flowery obnoxious fragrances to the home.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Because her brain is now broken and she doesn't know any better.
And I sure hope she isn't living by herself anymore, as I couldn't tell that by your profile.
She now needs either full-time in home help which includes toiletry and shower help, or needs to be placed in a memory care where she will receive the 24/7 care she now requires.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

Because she has dementia and has become nose blind to her own body odor. With incontinence at play, elders often don't change their briefs often enough. With dementia at play, they often don't bathe or change their clothes often enough. If you see to it that she gets the proper hygeinic care, the odor can be managed.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to lealonnie1

val10A28372, as one gets older, we tend to lose our sent of smell, or "nose blind" to odors. So you can't blame Mom for not noticing how she smells. Has she tried baby wipes after she uses the bathroom, I find such products are helpful.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to freqflyer

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