
I take care of my mother 24/ 7, I moved her to live with me "NIT A PROBLEM" ok So I said let me see if I can get paid since I left my job of 20 years Cert.Pharmacy technician .Why did they tell me "Since my mom's Life Insurance Face Values more than 10k I would have to 1. CASH THEM *mind you I only have about 12k total. Just to bury her NOT TO GET THEM TO A FUNERAL HOME

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What JoAnn said is right!
If this is money for a funeral, then do the funeral now. She might like to participate in the plan if she wishes a funeral elaborate enough for 10K. Then that money is spent and gone. Then you can get paid by the help of the taxpayers/Medicaid.

Her policy is considered an asset by Medicaid because it has cash value. To spend down that money, a prepaid funeral is recommended. You don't give the money to the Funeral home per se. The Funeral home writes up a Medicaid Funeral Trust and a check is written to that trust and the Funeral Home is the beneficiary. The Funeral Homes bill will be paid by the Trust. This is how it has to be to get Medicaid help.

Who is "they"? Medicaid?

You're trying to get your Mom qualified for Medicaid so you can get paid to care for her in your home?

Medicaid rules vary by state and this is a global forum. What state are you in?

In most states, Medicaid only covers the medical portion of facility care and one's SS income covers the custodial (room & board) portion when one qualifies both medically as needing LTC and financially.

Everything I've ever read on this forum since 2019 seems to indicate that Medicaid will never cover 24/7 in-home care by a family caregiver. And the hourly wage is minimum.

I would consider getting your Mom assessed for LTC by her doctor and then consulting with a Medicaid Planner for your home state. There is lots that can cause someone to be disqualified, and in most states the financial "look back" on the application can be 5 years, or more.

It's best for you to talk to professionals so that you can give them all the details they need to move your case forward towards qualifying.

I wish you success in getting paid for caregiving, or getting your Mom transitioned into a good facility on Medicaid so that you can get your life and job back.

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