
She only recognizes things out of place. What can I do.its frustrating.

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This repetitive stir is part of dementia.
Can you tell us more about Mom? You are new here and have no profile.

Does mom have dementia and how long ago was she diagnosed?
What other symptoms does mom have?
Is mom living with you, or you with her, and if so, for how long?
Is mom now incapable of having any privacy rules she can follow? Does she "shadow" you in your daily movement and activity?
Is mom capable of being left alone at all?
How old you your mother, and have you thought at all about how long you can sustain one-on-one care given these circumstances?
Do you educate yourself as to her disease process, watching such things as Teepa Snow videos about behavior?

Welcome to the Forum. Sorry we can't provide the "cure", but it's a good place to come to talk, and just once in a while we can help one another.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Sounds like your mom has some form of dementia, so she can't help that she's saying things over and over.
And OCD is very common with dementia as well, so she will of course notice things out of place.
You may need to educate yourself more about dementia so you're better prepared for what is to come, as dementia only gets worse.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Here is a good article from Resources/Caregiver topics/Memory loss of this forum:
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Reply to Geaton777

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