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That is heartbreaking and gut-wrenching. That poor soul...

OMG, Way. That is the saddest thing.

My husband shared more this morning . The woman was a single Mom with a 17 year old son .

She previously had to leave an abusive husband and was living in a homeless shelter when my husband hired her a few years ago .

The woman had been through a lot .

So tragic.
As long as parents exert guilt and don’t let go of stubbornness and entitlement there is no solutions.
I feel enormous sympathy for every woman, yes, if I remember correctly 60% or more of caregivers are women aged 40-60 and beyond.
And how many on this forum write happy stories about caregiving?
It is always about guilt, they are not good enough, don’t do enough. Etc. etc.
Maybe guilt is a root of all evil.

Oh, that poor person.

Wow! Caregiving is so hard and even more difficult when caring for more than one person. Speaking from experience there is truly not enough help/resources out there.

Sounds like she reached out to some and no one was there for her. There really needs to be more help for people, more of just about everything to do with taking care of the elderly. It's just wrong that this happened, and no one would help her, and she felt the only way out of this was to end it all. So @#$#$$#()/

What a terrible shock for your husband, and for you.

A cautionary tale, to be sure.

How horrible! My sympathy for her family.
It really emphasizes how people should reach out to each other they know who are dealing with caregiving. Lots of times we assume someone will reach out if they need help. But that obviously is not the case.

Waytomisery, 😢, I'm speechless, at the moment. Just so sad for anyone that just can't this anymore, and can't find away out, or anyone in life that should just be nice to someone, could make a whole word of difference, to the caregiver, and there whole family.

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