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It can be such a heart breaking time. I know it was for my family during my mom’s nursing home years. The standard answer has to be “you’ll be home when your doctor says you’re well enough” It’s okay to be honest why you’re not there, you have a life you must provide for. Every nursing home resident needs a regular visitor to oversee their care and advocate for them. Focus on that, not trying to solve the unsolvable. I wish you both peace
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Welcome to the Forum.
My answer to this is that you should answer it truthfully.
Your father has dementia? If so he will be unable to put together any rational response or ever to understand, and the question will become repetitive no matter WHAT the answer is.
I would simply say "Dad, you weren't able to care for yourself anymore so the doctors suggested you move here. People are here to help you. And I am here to visit and will continue to come".

One of the constant questions here, really, and one that is caused by children thinking that they are responsible for happiness. Old age isn't about happiness. There's no perfection here. It's about loss and mourning. I am so sorry, but there's just no way around that.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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